
Litakcijos-Litshares (LTS): moderni strategija Lietuvai audringame pasaulyje

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Atsiliepdamas į nenuilstamo JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenės Pirmininko dr. Stasio Bačkaičio iššūkį, parengiau:
 Litakcijos-Litshares (LTS): moderni strategija Lietuvai audringame pasaulyje. 
Ši ilgesnė studija (baziniai metmenys mano konkrečiam strategijos pasiūlymui) yra publikuojama Lietuvoje: www.vilnews.com
Štai santrauka anglu k.: LTS Study:
Dedicated to Those Dead or Alive Whose Blood and Brains Made Free Lithuania Possible!

By Valdas Samonis
ABSTRACT. Given very dangerous European and global economic and strategic predicaments, Lithuania (LT) needs to adopt very bold and innovative ways to “sell” to the world its extreme austerity sacrifices during the continuing period of global Great (D)Recession and its earlier periods of bold systemic transformations as well. This proposal is a new strategy to globalize LT financial-economic ties (optimal global integration) so that the nation is no longer badly cornered and unduly dependent on the moribund European Union which is distracted and disoriented by the cacophony of austerity/profligacy controversies, and actually rewarding free riders by default. By now it is rather clear that Europe alone cannot properly reward the financial virtue and sacrifice of the LT people for the sake of the future (investment) which is the most distinguishing trait of a responsible nation and a mature leadership; hence the need for LT to go before the entire “global village”. Globalization can provide huge and underappreciated benefits for a nation like LT. This litshares or litakcijos (LTS) proposal is still to be developed to a greater detail and “hands-on” policy relevance. In the first instance, LTS would appeal strongest to LT residents, diasporas, and other FOLK (Friends of Lithuania of All Kinds); then they would catch up globally rather fast. End of Abstract.
Valdas Samonis, PhD, CPC
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