January 20 to February 20, 2013 y.
Cassiopeia, 10 x 20 pėdų, 2013 m.
Š.m. sausio 20 – vasario 20 dienomis,Rockefeller Memorial Koplyčioje, Čikagos Universiteteks veiks dr. Audriaus Plioplio meno darbų paroda. Priėmimas ir susitikimas su autoriumi sausio 25 d.,penktadienį, nuo 4 v.p.p. iki 7. v.v.
Of note are the two pieces in Origins. Each of these works is 10 x 20 feet in size and deals with the source of our cosmic existence, and of our cultural roots.
Galactic nebula structures, with thousands of neuronal profiles, intersect with hundreds of photographs which I took at archeological sites in Turkey. Cosmic, stellar and cultural origins overlap and intertwine.
Veil includes 100 images from the excavations in Chatal Hoyuk, the oldest known city, over 10,000 years old, located near Konya. Much archeological and linguistic evidence indicates that this is the area where Indo-European languages originated. (Konya is where Rumi instituted the whirling dervishes, which relates to Whirling in this exhibit.)
The facing piece, Cassiopeia, has 300 photographs from the Hittite world, a mixture from the administrative capital of Hattusha, and the current archeological diggings at Shapinuva, the religious center. The Hittite language is the oldest known Indo-European language.
These pieces are massive in size, and at the same time incredibly detailed. You can view the works from a great distance, and up close, through a magnifying glass, to find more details.
Further information, particularly about Whirling and Chromodynamics, is in the booklet.
Iki pasimatymo Rockefeller Koplyčioje.
Audrius Plioplys
Cosmic Consciousness
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
5850 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
January 20 to February 20, 2013
Opening reception Friday, January 25, 2013, 4 to 7 PM
Sermon by Audrius V. Plioplys, Sunday, January 27, 2013, 11 AM
PS Neurology, is the most widely read and cited neurology journal in the world. Since it first appeared in 1951, the front cover has always had a table of contents. The current issue is the first time ever that a visual image was used on the front cover–and it happens to be one of my art pieces.