Given that all gallery and museum exhibits are now virtual, Matthew Dean, the Director of the University Chapels, University of Chicago, asked me to prepare a set of images revisiting my first art installation at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel: Neurotheology.On the Rockefeller’s website, Matt created a Virtual Chapel. A few days ago, he posted information about Neurotheology. His words and a pdf with images of the installation can be viewed by clicking here.
A slide show of this exhibit can be found on my website by clicking here.
Of note is that three of the pieces, that were originally displayed in 2006, have remained on permanent, public display at the University. Please see the pdf for details as to where they are located.*
There are several very interesting updates on my website. They can be accessed by clicking here. They include:
My collaboration with Sandra Avižienytė, one of the foremost Lithuanian poets, in her newly published book of poetry, Psichopatija (Psychopathy);
The honor that was bestowed upon my cousin Saulius Ploplys;
How it is that the Mayo Clinic became involved in genetic testing of the fragile-X chromosome abnormality;
Several of my past, and current, attempts at artistically investigating quantum consciousness;
How neuronal microtubular disarray may underly the cognitive difficulties seen in Down Syndrome.
All of these postings are brief and to the point. Please take a look.
Constructive comments are always welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.
Nuoširdžiai, Sincerely, Audrius
Artistic Explorations of Thought
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