Subject: To the Senate
We are fast approaching the critical moment that our movement has made possible: S. 744, the bipartisan immigration bill, is expected to be introduced to the full Senate early next week for debate, amendment and a full vote.
We must keep up the pressure to ensure the bill we have been fighting for continues to move forward. Dial 888-891-3271 or click here to call your Senator now.
We have proven the power of our movement before. Our calls, faxes, and contacts to the Senate helped advance the bill this far — but as this bill moves to the full Senate, it will be even more vulnerable to amendments that could jeopardize the path to citizenship for millions of families.
Dial 888-891-3271 or click here to call your Senator in support of reform with a path to citizenship.
The Senate has the opportunity to make history by passing a reform law that keeps families together and strengthens our country by creating a pathway to full citizenship. We must make sure that the Senate passes this important bill. Millions of American families depend on it.
Click here to be immediately connected to your Senator and tell them to support immigration reform.
With hope,
Donna De La Cruz
Reform Immigration FOR America
P.S. We need your help to ensure that Congress hears our message. Forward this email to your friends — together we will make immigration reform a reality!