Vytautas Magnus University and state scholarships for Lithuanian diaspora students
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is seeking ambitious, intelligent, and talented students and offers them various scholarship opportunities for full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree studies. Type of scholarship: tuition fee waiver 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% for the entire study period of full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programme taught in English. Total number of scholarships: 3 Other scholarship possibilities…read more.
Bachelor and Master degree study programmes
at Vytautas Magnus University
Vytautas Magnus University follows the policy of liberal arts that allows students to make their study plans as well as decide which subjects to study and when. They are granted the opportunity to move from one study programme to another or to change the mode of studies. With the diploma of the Bachelor’s major, VMU students can also acquire a certificate of parallel BA studies, which enables them to later apply for a Master‘s degree in a different field of studies.
Why Vytautas Magnus University? Well, why not? Top-quality studies in a high-ranking university, which is open to innovation, but drawing inspiration from the deep-rooted traditions (our centennial is in 2022!).
There are 18 Bachelor’s and 22 Master’s degree programmes taught in English in the autumn semester.
Application deadlines:
• June 1st | for applicants from non-EU/EFTA countries
• July 1st | for EU applicants, as well as for non-EU/EFTA applicants with Lithuanian Embassies in their home countries… read more.
VMU uniting Lithuanian language enthusiasts from all around the globe
On the 17th of July, the Lithuanian Language and Culture Course will once again continue its mission of uniting Lithuanian language enthusiasts from all around the globe. The course is beloved by global Lithuanian community members, people tracing their family tree, and foreigners who want to learn more about the rich and interesting Lithuanian history, as well as possibly… read more.
Dvikalbių vaikų ugdymo patarimai, priemonės, metodika
„Dvikalbystė – tai dovana vaikams“, sako lietuvių kalbos mokytoja Airijoje, Jurgita Urbelienė, parengusi ne vieną straipsnį apie lietuvių kalbos mokymąsi užsienyje, dvikalbystės mitus ir pagalbą tėvams, auginantiems dvikalbius/daugiakalbius vaikus.
Naujausiame straipsnyje J. Urbelienė supažindina su dvikalbystės tipais, pateikia 4 žingsnių žemėlapį padėsiantį išsiaiškinti, kas geriausiai tinka konkrečiam vaikui ir unikaliai šeimos situacijai bei platų dvikalbystės/daugiakalbystės ugdymui skirtų įpročių, kuriuos galima formuoti, sąrašą.
Tai pat pridedamos atsisiuntimui parengtos priemonės… skaityti daugiau.
Atsisakyti Pasaulio lietuvių universiteto naujienų
VDU Pasaulio lietuvių universitetas
V. Putvinskio g.306, Kaunas, Lietuva
+370 659 75250