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Written by admin · 52 sec read

  If you are an artist living in the US, this message is for you. If not, please forward this to artist friends of yours.

The BRAIN Initiative is a US program providing an additional $100 million for brain research. BRAIN stands for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies. It was announced by President Obama a year ago, and funding to research laboratories across this country is starting.


The Beverly Arts Center is organizing a nation-wide art exhibit to support this effort, called the BRAIN-ART Initiative. Artists may submit pieces that investigate how our minds work, where thinking comes from, what is the origin of consciousness. Located on the South side of Chicago, not far from the President’s residence, makes this a fitting location for the BRAIN-ART Initiative.

The exhibit will be juried by Aron Packer of the Packer Schopf Gallery in Chicago. Cash prizes total $1,800.

2-D and 3-D works in all media will be considered. Artists living in the US, 18+ years old, may apply. There is a $25 fee for submitting 2 pieces. Further details can be found here. The dates of the exhibit are September 12 through October 26. Deadline for submissions is August 1.

I am extremely grateful to Carla Winterbottom, the Center’s Gallery Curator, and Heather Robinson, the Center’s Executive Director, for allowing me to organize this exhibit.

It is not just scientists who can shed light on how our minds work–artists can do so likewise.

Sincerely, Audrius (Andy) Plioplys

Artistic Explorations of Thought